Collection: Ruth Gomes

Capturing Nature's Beauty: Watercolor Paintings by Ruth Gomes
Ruth Gomes

Nature's Palette: A Journey Through Watercolor and Inspiration

 My artistic journey began when in high school I drew a poster against smoking and won an award and then developed confidence in sketching and painting. Many wonderful and gifted artists are my source of inspiration as they challenge me with their techniques and skills.

My sources of inspiration can be found in nature which has made me more observant of God’s handiwork in such subjects as (just to mention a few) trees, sky, water, and flowers. Another area of interest in art is an appreciation of how God has gifted man through architecture and their creation of decorative arts.

Watercolor is a difficult medium and I welcome its challenge. The properties of the intermingling of colors and their transparencies create liveliness and a refreshing look.