Collection: Chanel Harris

Channel Harris: Master of Digital Images and Ink & Watercolor Creations


split mask of a cat

Unveiling the Creative Journey: Chanel Harris' Artistic Vision and Inspirations

Chanel Harris is a freelance illustrator from and currently working in Virginia. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Illustration from Rochester Institute of Technology. Amidst her studies in New York, Chanel focused on her work with mediums such as ink and watercolor and she experiments with various metallic pigments. Her work dances from whimsical characters to exploring personal subjects from her subconscious that often blur between reality, fantasy, and desire.

"Most of my ideas for a painting usually begins in flashes of color and daydreams. Much of my inspiration can come from a combination of vivid dream, music, film, nature, or simply a color palette that I want to use in a painting. Color plays an important role in my process of creating illustrations and often I see an arrangement of colors first before the image has been fully realized in my mind and on paper. My childhood has influenced many of the pieces I created which have evolved through adulthood.

Much of my recent artworks have been designed to use as merchandise such as stickers, greeting cards, postcards, t-shirt designs, etc."